Get ready to be a qualified ACCA DipIFR with Keystone Academia

What is “ACCA DipIFR” Qualification?

ACCA’s Diploma in International Financial Reporting is a gold-standard professional course on International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). This is globally well recognized and much sought after course on IFRS.

Why IFRS qualification is required?

Globalization has paved the way for transnational investments and listing of companies in stock exchanges outside their home country. This has necessitated the need for globally acceptable accounting and financial reporting practices. Also, multi-national companies which operate in multiple jurisdictions prefer to have unified reporting frameworks. For these reasons, IFRS based financial reporting is gaining popularity and it is mandatory in several jurisdictions to have parallel reporting in addition to the local GAAP reporting.

What is the entry requirement for ACCA DipIFR?

  • CA/CMA/CIMA or member of any IFAC membership body. Mere membership is enough – no need for experience requirement for professional accountants.
  •  For others:Relevant degree (in accounting) including B.Com/M.Com/MBA Finance/ACS/FCS with 2 years of relevant experience in accounting or  Cert IFR + 2 years of relevant experience in accounting or3 Years of relevant experience in accounting

What is the examination pattern for ACCA DipIFR?

ACCA DipIFR is a descriptive type single paper examination which is conducted on Computer-Based Examination (“CBE”) type. The Examination is conducted twice a year – June and December.

For June examination – the candidate must register with ACCA  before 31st March and for examination apply on or before the 1st May.

For the December examination – the candidate must register with ACCA before 30th September for examination apply on or before the 1st November.

What will be the Fees payable to ACCA?

Depends on the country where the candidate resides or takes up the examination.

  • Registration fees ranges from GBP 36 to GBP 89
  • Exam fees ranges from GBP 135 to GBP 142

Countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Zambia etc. attract lower band of the fees, whereas countries like UAE, UK, France etc. attracts higher band of the fees.

What is the syllabus for ACCA DipIFR?

The syllabus for the examination covers all the Accounting Standards that are in force (with an exception if any that are explicitly mentioned). This is a professional-level exam requiring “Expert” level knowledge and understanding of the subject as an outcome of the examination.

Keystone Academia provides intensive and personal coaching for ACCA DipIFR. For further details feel free to contact us.


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